Episode 9: Die Hard Huckabees

We could probably make more episodes if we had forever

Catching up on another episode we are proud to present the last of the single digits, immortalized as an episode about…well, immortality! Even better, it is longer than the usual!

We debate the joys and pitfalls of being immortal and whether anyone would really want to live forever. Speaking of forever, sorry this episode languished a bit in editing and posting (cough John cough). It has been so long this show notes writer (cough John cough) is having difficulties remembering what we discussed. So this website writer (cough John cough) is left without much to go on. I suppose he could blame someone else (cough Brandon cough), but since he does all the hard editing work…

Anyway, elves, lobsters, memory, being trapped in a computer, AI…consider it a surprise and enjoy the extended episode on the player below, or your favorite podcast app. Links and credits on the full post.

Links and credits:

After we recorded this episode, an article in the NY Times looked at the morality and purpose of mortality in religion and philosophy.

Find us wherever you like your podcasts. Not there? Email us! Intro and outro music, as usual, by Brandon Anderson, cover image courtesy of Tanja Petrusevska.

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